Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Operation: Military Kids Program Assembles Recycling Bins

In Orlando, at an Army Reserves Yellow Ribbon Program, 25 kids between the ages of 7 - 16 participated in the "Stow It-Don't Throw It" Project. Yellow Ribbon programs are events where military soldiers, that are about to be sent to Iraq or Afganistan, get together to gather information related to them, and their children get information and are able to take part in a variety of programs designed for them. Through the 4-H Operation: Military Kids Program, I was able to use this event as an opportunity to these youth involved in a service project. OMK has a Mobile Tech Lab with 10 laptops and a wireless card. I pulled up the "Stow It-Don't Throw It" video on YouTube showing the how fishing line hurts marine wildlife. The kids all watched the video and afterwards we talked about how they felt after seeing all those animals harmed and what we could do to change that. Some brainstormed educating fisherman and some said passing out bags that they can put their fishing line in. I then introduced the "Stow It-Don't Throw It" bin assembly guide video on YouTube, right after we briefed. As they watched the video I asked them if this was something they wanted to do and made a prediction on how many bins we could construct. We ended up putting together 112 personal-sized fishing line recycling bins! The kids also asked if they could take some bins home for their dads and neighbors because they fish. The rest of the completed recycling bins were given to the Clay County Marine Life Club, who go boating throughout Clay and Duval Counties. Club members plan to distribute them as they go out and educate boaters and anglers about the importance of recycling used fishing line!

Submitted by:
December James
4-H Operation: Military Kids
Youth Program Specialist

A special thanks to those involved in the OMK program for supporting the "Stow It-Don't Throw It" Project and our work to protect marine life! Check out the photos below from this event:

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